History of Religion Court Manna

The Manna Religious Court is one of the Religious Courts within the Bengkulu High Religious Courts Area in Palembang Province (Residency of Bengkulu). Based on Government Regulation No. 45 of 1957 (Statute Book of 1957 No. 99) on the establishment of Religious Courts / Syri’ah Courts outside Java and Madura, including the establishment of the Religious Court / Bengkulu Syari’ah Court for the Residency of Bengkulu.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 23 of 1960 the Manna Religious Court was established under the name of the Religious Court / Syari’ah Manna Court as a branch of the Religious Court / Bengkulu Syari’ah Court for the South Bengkulu region and in 1966 the Religious Court / Syari’ah Manna Court upgraded to Religious Court / Syariah Court Manna is no longer a branch of Bengkulu, based on Decree of Minister of Religious Affairs No. 43 year 1966. In operation Manna Religious Court has not run effectively until 1968 with the appointment of Mr. KH. Hasan Taman as the first Chairman of the Manna Religious Court.

In performing his or her legal duties: to receive, to examine and resolve the cases submitted to him. The office building and venue of the meeting moved from one house to another with rent status, until finally through the State Budget of the Religious High Court / Syar’iyah Court in Palembang, the Manna Religious Court received a Project Office Building project on Jl. Duayu / Jl Kol. Syamsul Bahrun, Kelurahan Pasar Bawah, Pasar Manna Sub-district in a land area of ​​1,789 square meters with Land Certificate No. 00098 dated 03 March 1999 which was inaugurated by the Chairman of the High Court of Religion / Syari’ah Court of the Province of Palembang Drs.H Rosihan A.Rasyid Bc. HK on May 03, 1980/18 Jumadil Akhir 1400 H and utilized until January 2005.

In 1998 the Manna Religious Court obtained a land area of ​​2,500 M2 from the Government of South Bengkulu Regency through the Decree of Bengkulu Selatan Regent Number 353 Year 1998 dated December 10, 1998 on Appointment of Land Location for Development of Office Building and Manna Religious Court Convention Center on Jl. Raya Padang Panjang Manna City.

The acquisition of land location of the Office Building Building and Manna Religious Court Convention Center has been reported to the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Supreme Court through the High Court of Religion in Bengkulu as well as proposing to immediately build the Office Building and Manna Religious Court Convention Center at the Location.

The application of these proposals, finally through the DIPA of the Religious High Court of 2004, the Manna Religious Court was awarded the project of a one-story office building of 365 M2 type B worth Rp 681,000,000, and Building Construction Permit from South Bengkulu Government Number: 064 / 130 / IMB / 2004.

Then, through the DIPA of the Manna Religious Court of 2005, the Manna Religious Court received a One Unit Unstructured Unit Construction Project 450 M2 of Non-Standing Halls with Rp 840.000.000, – (eight hundred forty million rupiah).

Finally, through the DIPA of the Religious Court, Manna received a Paving Block Project for the Office Building and Fence on Jalan Raya Padang Panjang Manna for Rp 495,654,000 (four hundred ninety five million six hundred fifty four thousand rupiah).

Office Building Project and Manna Religious Courts Office through DIPA Year: 2004, 2005 and 2006 has been completed its development and inaugurated its use by Mr. Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Drs. H.Syamsuhadi Irsyad SH., MH. On Tuesday September 05, 2006 M / 11 Sha’ban 1427 H in a formal ceremony. In 2011 the DIPA of the Manna Religious Court got the expansion and renovation project of an office building with a fund value of Rp. 2,000,000,000 (two billion rupiah).

As for the names that have been the leader of Manna Religious Court since its establishment until now is as follows:

  1. Hasan Taman ( Ketua: 1968-1977)
  2. A.Tajudin (Ketua: 1977-1985)
  3. H.Djayusman, MS,SH (Ketua: 1985-1991)
  4. A Khaidir Ismail, SH (Ketua: 1991-1995)
  5. Ishak As’ad (Wakil Ketua/Pelaksana Ketua: 1995-1996)
  6. H Arzum Ali, SH (Ketua: 1996-2003)
  7. Aqshaa, SH (Wakil Ketua: 2001-2004)
  8. Edy Noerfuady HM, SH (Ketua: 2003-2004)
  9. Sya’roni (Ketua: 2004-2008)
  10. Syamsuddin (Wakil Ketua/Pelaksana Ketua: 2008 -2009 )
  11. H. Zulkadri Ridwan, SH (Ketua 2009- 2012)
  12. Lazuarman, M.Ag (Ketua 2012- 2016)
  13. H. Syazili, S.H., M.H (2016-2017)
  14. Hartawan, S.H., M.H. (2017 – now)

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 43 of 1966 jo Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 23 of 1960, the Jurisdiction Area of ​​Manna Religious Court covers the Administrative Area of ​​South Bengkulu Regency Government.

Then, based on Act No. 3 of 2003, South Bengkulu Regency was divided into three districts, namely: South Bengkulu Regency with Manna capital, Kaur district with the capital of Bintuhan and Seluma Regency with the capital of Tais.

According to the provisions of Article 7 of Law Number 3 Year 2006, the first amendment of Law Number 7 Year 1989 concerning Religious Courts is that the Religious Courts of First Instance are domiciled in the Capital of Regency / City and established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Since the Religious Courts of Bintuhan and the Religious Courts of Tais have not been established in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 3 of 2006, the Jurisdiction of the Manna Religious Courts still covers South Bengkulu Regency, Kaur Regency and Seluma Regency.